Malleetech Poll, 177141

Sire Code6095332017177141
BreedPoll Merino
Semen StatusAvailable
SNP Genotype (yes/no) yes
Poll DNA test PP


OwnerDavid Smith
Address976 Geranium South Road
SA 5301

Traits - 23 Sep 2020

Measured Traits MerinoSelect ASBV A
Post weaning greasy fleece weight (%) (PGFW) 15 (87%)
Yearling greasy fleece weight (%) (YGFW) 17 (91%)
Hogget greasy fleece weight (%) (HGFW) 17 (83%)
Adult greasy fleece weight (%) (AGFW) 11 (80%)
Post weaning clean fleece weight (%) (PCFW) 16 (84%)
Yearling clean fleece weight (%) (YCFW) 22 (91%)
Hogget clean fleece weight (%) (HCFW) 23 (83%)
Adult clean fleece weight (%) (ACFW) 18 (80%)
Post weaning fibre diameter (micron) (PFD) 1.8 (91%)
Yearling fibre diameter (micron) (YFD) 0.7 (94%)
Hogget fibre diameter (micron) (HFD) 0.8 (89%)
Adult fibre diameter (micron) (AFD) 1.2 (86%)
Post weaning fibre diameter CV (%) (PDCV) -0.1 (87%)
Yearling fibre diameter CV (%) (YDCV) -0.2 (91%)
Hogget fibre diameter CV (%) (HDCV) 0.3 (86%)
Adult fibre diameter CV (%) (ADCV) 0.1 (83%)
Post weaning staple strength (N/Ktex) (PSS) 11.0 (83%)
Yearling staple strength (N/Ktex) (YSS) 10.3 (90%)
Hogget staple strength (N/Ktex) (HSS) 10.5 (82%)
Adult staple strength (N/Ktex) (ASS) 7.5 (80%)
Post weaning staple length (mm) (PSL) 5.4 (84%)
Yearling staple length (mm) (YSL) 5.7 (92%)
Hogget staple length (mm) (HSL) 5.3 (82%)
Adult staple length (mm) (ASL) 4.6 (80%)
Post weaning fibre curvature (degrees) (PCUR) -4.0 (89%)
Yearling fibre curvature (degrees) (YCUR) -3.4 (93%)
Hogget fibre curvature (degrees) (HCUR) -3.9 (88%)
Adult fibre curvature (degrees) (ACUR) -1.5 (86%)
Weaning weight (Kg) (WWT) 3.5 (94%)
Post weaning weight (Kg) (PWT) 3.5 (92%)
Yearling weight (Kg) (YWT) 5.8 (92%)
Hogget weight (Kg) (HWT) 6.4 (93%)
Adult weight (Kg) (AWT) 5.7 (88%)
Weaning worm egg count (%) (WWEC) n/a  
Post weaning worm egg count (%) (PWEC) n/a  
Yearling worm egg count (%) (YWEC) -18 (35%)
Hogget worm egg count (%) (HWEC) n/a  
Post weaning GR fat depth (mm) (PFAT) 0.3 (86%)
Yearling GR fat depth (mm) (YFAT) 0.5 (82%)
Hogget GR fat depth (mm) (HFAT) 0.5 (80%)
Post weaning eye muscle depth (mm) (PEMD) 1.2 (89%)
Yearling eye muscle depth (mm) (YEMD) 1.9 (87%)
Hogget eye muscle depth (mm) (HEMD) 2.0 (86%)
Number of lambs born (%) (NLB) 6 (51%)
Number of lambs weaned (%) (NLW) 6 (51%)
Carcass weight (kg) (CWT) 2.5 (85%)
Carcass GR fat depth (mm) (CFAT) -0.4 (83%)
Carcass C-site fat depth (mm) (CCFAT) -0.1 (80%)
Carcass eye muscle depth (mm) (CEMD) 1.6 (80%)
Carcass dressing % (DRESS) 1.9 (73%)
Carcass lean meat yield % (LMY) 1.1 (80%)
Carcass intramuscular fat (%) (IMF) -0.8 (69%)
Carcass shear force (N) (SF5) 3.7 (58%)
Classer Traits  
Yearling classer tops (%) (YTOPS) n/a  
Adult classer tops (%) (ATOPS) n/a  
Yearling classer culls (%) (YCULLS) n/a  
Adult classer culls (%) (ACULLS) n/a  
Early breech wrinkle (score) (EBWR) -0.3 (93%)
Early breech cover (score) (EBCOV) -0.1 (90%)
Late dag (score) (LDAG) -0.2 (86%)
Late wool colour (score) (LCOL) 0.4 (65%)
Late fleece rot (score) (LFROT) 0.1 (73%)
Late wool character (score) (LCHAR) 0.4 (65%)
Late staple weathering (score) (LWTH) n/a  
Conformation comments (BODYCONF) n/a  
Wool quality comments (WOOLQUAL) n/a  
Merino Dual Purpose Plus (DPP) 172 (58%)
Merino Production Plus (MPP) 156 (63%)
Fibre Production Plus (FPP) 138 (65%)
Merino Dual Purpose (DP) 129 (35%)
Merino Production (MP) 132 (45%)
Fibre Production (FP) 114 (48%)


SA 2019 - South Australia